Friday, August 25, 2017

All the fuss about Inconsistency.

Happy Friday! 

I've finally found a moment to myself after this breakneck week. Parenting kids through transition is not for the faint of heart. We've not gotten it right 100% of the time, but everyone is surviving and it's finally the weekend! 

A bit of a whine, was anyone else a little over the eclipse hype? It was very neat to watch and the math behind calculating the path/time/totality/etc blows my mind. But the hype... I'm too tired for that! 

I sent Dominic this hilarious comedy clip "The Nothing Box." I remain amazed by his ability to decide to not think about anything at all! I'm not being mean, I'm impressed and wish I could access this magic Nothing Box! Our brief laugh over the video was the extent of our conversation one night. Our jobs have called for more energy, the children needed more of us, very little time left for a hello, let alone the good spanking I regularly require.

During early days of ttwd, I felt threatened and insecure by "inconsistency." Various blogs and "how to" sites warned against letting inconsistency doom your dynamic. While I glow and thrive in Dominic's leadership, it's an unrealistic standard to prioritize particularly in this season of life. Our frustrations when infractions could not be dealt with led to some breaks during our time in this dynamic. While our roles were not completely absent, good lengths of time might pass where my tongue ran unleashed, we bickered... settling back into more pre-ttwd ways. We'd snap out of it eventually and press on.  After our last unintentional break, we acknowledged very intentional communication was required to keep us from sliding into another drought. 

While this summer has been q u i t e consistent, other responsibilities came first this week.  We know if I'd been given a reminder when my tone slipped early in the week, my tone would have been much more respectful all week. In the early days of ttwd, I'd have been hurt and frustrated that he didn't address my infraction right away. While I've not been punished, we are both aware that the issue happened, that it's not okay, and the only reason I'm not paying for it this very minute is because of life

I cannot force us to prioritize a spanking over sleep. Yes, a good spanking and post-spanking activities will often give me wonderful sleep. We're running the marathon of life on fumes this week so discipline can wait until we've slept. Theres's only so much sleep to begin with when the last child finally falls asleep around 10 PM, you know another will be in your room by 1:30 AM, and alarms start blaring in the 5 AM window...) 

Dominic works well more than 40 hours a week and thankfully is very engaged with raising our kids, the endless tasks that come with home & car ownership, sharing the load of housework with me, and killing whatever wasp I'm convinced is attacking us all. (I believe it's known as "adulting" these days). 🤦 While everyone blessedly fell asleep early tonight, I have to respect that he needs to decompress so he can lead well. I don't know about you, but I would rather not go over the knee of a exhausted, frustrated spanker.

The spanking I've earned will come, I am 100% confident of that. We rarely go this long without some kind of spanking, but it is what it is. It's not a referendum on our commitment to this dynamic. Yes, I'd really rather have gotten spanked Sunday than await and anticipate. But that's what this dynamic looks like this week. Accepting these types of weeks and pressing on in spite of things not being exactly what we think it should be is the grace required for ttwd to be part of who we are, not a thing we try to do a certain way. 


  1. Madeline,
    Even with the kids grown up and out of the house, there are weeks where ttwd is not the priority. I don't like it at all, but we struggle through and reconnect when we can.

    Absolutely loved the picture!

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Hi Ella! I feel like that puppy some days! I think it's important for those new to this lifestyle to keep hearing yes, it can be a struggle and there are weeks that aren't ideal, but keep on going.

  2. Madeline,
    Life does get in the way often. However, one of the things I love about ttwd is its evolution .......... how it changes as I lean in and Jack continues to wear his role so well. We are both continuing to learn and grow. Basic needs like sleep always, always come first. WE usually take care of the spanking down the road a little once we are back in our routine. Hang in there. Remember what I said about the coming of Halloween. You just turn around and things have slipped back into place and all of a sudden you rejoice. Great post, M.

    1. Thanks Meredith! I appreciate how much we've evolved over our short years in this thing. Leaning in is a great way to describe it. Dominic let me sleep in today so I'm looking at the world from a much more relaxed vantage point.

  3. Exhaustion. Work. Children. Husband. Ttwd. Be kind to yourself. Even blogging will take its toll at some point. Pace yourself. Breathe. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, we've come a long way in showing grace to each other during all of those things. Ttwd makes good things happen! So far blogging is an enjoyable outlet for me. Pacing is key to everything, isn't it?

  4. Madeline, what a sensible approach!
    Rosie xx

  5. In our early days I used to worry when we couldn't address issues as they happened, it would worry me into thinking that maybe ttwd was done with. It took me a while to realize that so often life gets in the way and although things aren't as we'd like them to be ttwd is always right there front and centre of who we are. Rolling with the punches and not letting it get the better of you seems to work fairly well, most times. Like you said, it all catches up with us and we're usually thankful for it.
    This was another great read. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Laurel, it's easy to assume ttwd is over and it's all ruined when we're tired and overbooked. Things get back to "normal" eventually, I wish I'd understood this when we started!

  6. Madeline,
    I sure picked the right day to read this post. THANK YOU! I've been feeling very blue since Eric returned from a two week trip on Monday because he seems distant, there has been no love making, and no spanking. I automatically jump into, "he doesn't want to be with me anymore" but that's insane and I know he's dealing with a lot of crap right now so I will bide my time and wait it out. You make very good points in this post. I think I'll hold onto this one for awhile.

    1. I've made that jump far too many times. It's a tricky balance to keep communication open while giving each other space to shut down. Glad you have Eric back home with you!
