If being able to Mom in less than 5 hours of sleep regularly is a sign of a good parent, then I’m the absolute worst. I no longer have newborns. But I share life with small children and animals... so I am majorly sleep deprived. I wish I could go back to sleep, but that’s not in the cards this morning. That’s my disclaimer to not overthink anything I blog.
je suis fatigué
Je suits fatiga

So my incredible man steps in and takes over situations with the kids when he can see I am just spent. He shoots me a look, smacks my butt, or squeezes me tight to get my attention when he sees that I’m fraying. He’s worked very hard alongside me to handle the stressors of life in a healthy way.
I’ve prayed before that God would zap me with lightning before I ever caused any kind of harm to my children. I didn’t get zapped with lightning but Dominic’s implements come pretty close.
We’d had some really great stretches of days. Dominic was working late, but I had dinner done, the kids fed and all signs were there for a smooth evening. I really wanted smooth evening for him as he has been working 12 hour days. About ten minutes before he came home, my kids sprouted horns. Dominic walked in right as I was absolutely losing my cool. Really crappy things flew out of my mouth at a horrifically high volume.
I felt a rush of relief when Dominic walked in. We all immediately calmed and told him about our day. He helped me get the kids bathed and to bed. Then he struck me with lightning. Not sure if all children were asleep, he stuck with quieter implements that take extra effort for me to keep quiet with.
I was not looking forward to this. It wasn’t to relax, reset, or rev me up. The mood was I don't care WTF were you thinking, that doesn't happen here. As I stood in the bathroom with my hands on the edge of the tub, I realized there are a few things that always are at play when I let anger overwhelm me.
I’ve been subconsciously making decisions based on others expectations for what working mom, wife, or my role at work should look like. I got dinner done yesterday, but missed the signs that my kids needed to connect with me. Dominic prioritizes their well being over a home cooked meal or dinner on the stove when he walks in. That man will eat frozen pizza or a sandwich without complaint if it means peace in his family. My parents help us a lot and it’s so appreciated. I don’t take it for granted that my kids get so much grandparent time. But sometimes I fall into doing what my mom would do or what she’s mentioned in passing instead of checking in with Dominic. As Dominic whaled on me, I realized even if family relationships aren’t bad, they still need boundaries.
When I shut out the outside voices and influences and look at Dominic and I’s marriage and the family we are building, we are a good team. We’ve got this. Our kids have their struggles but we are blessedly on the same page in connecting with and handling our children.
The day has started with co-worker drama, weird weather, and lots of opinions from my parents. Looking back, I should have checked in with Dominic twice regarding some kid issues. By the time we got to my freaking out episode, I likely wouldn’t have felt so defeated.
I was tired and quiet when Dominic finished spanking. He was a little worried by my silence so I reassured him I had never felt I deserved a spanking more. The entire day had exhausted me. As I drifted off and then was up half the night with those darling children, I kept thinking back to how calm I was when he walked in. Oh I knew I was toast, but that was far from the forefront of my brain. I was just so very relieved he was home.
My lightbulb thought was this is why we do DD. To silence everything else in our lives, to physically push it all away. When I feel like I probably need more or don’t feel settled after a spanking, it’s not a reflection on how Dominic spanked or my inability to submit. I realized yesterday that the louder the outside influence, the more thoroughly I need spanked.
We enjoy plenty of sexy spankings, attitude adjusters, gentler reconnections and stress relief. We don’t fit in any one box of power exchange dynamic, we do what works for us.
My meltdown of all meltdowns reaffirmed why the Domestic Discipline spankings are part of our marriage. I desperately needed my husband calmly and sternly to tell me WE come first, WE are enough and our expectations and dreams are all that we will focus on. He does that when he stops what we are doing, communicates that, and yes, turns me fire engine red.
Protected. Cherished. Post-spanking and on very little sleep, that's how I'm feeling.
Hi Madeline,
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry the day didn't end as planned but glad Dominic was able to calm both the situation and you. It's no wonder you 'lost it' it sounds like you had had a day and kids acting up coupled with sleep deprivation will do it. Outside influences and noise are often the hardest to shut out.
They are so very hard to shut out! Dominic's doing his best to mute it for me though :)
DeleteOH, this is just great, Madeline. It's why we do our dynamic too. OH, I felt so much of us in this post. And that is a rule in our house too. I didn't have a great set of parents, but I definitely feel myself making a mistake and acting like them at times with their tempers. So I have to keep my cool too. It's a big no no if I don't. I love that as soon as he walked in, you felt calmer. You weren't alone. I've had those moments. {{{HUGS}}} Sorry, this probably wasn't meant to be funny, but I had a giggle. "I didn’t get zapped with lightning but Dominic’s implements come pretty close." I might have to tell the Duke the same about him. :) I was spanked hard last night for an offense I've been working on, and it definitely felt like a thunder explosion had happened on my butt. :) Thank you for sharing, I just so related to this post over and over again. I felt like you were writing about us.
ReplyDeleteHugs, EsMay
LOL, well it is funny once I'm on the other side of it! Thanks for reading! Glad you've got to the Duke to help you through it all.
DeleteI understand that feeling where your husband becomes your safety net at times like these, but as a parent of grown up kids, I think that being a crappy mom once in a while is a lot less important than being a great mom most of the time.
ReplyDeleteHugs From Ella
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. :)